Continuous Education Plan

SY 2023-24 Continuous Education Plan (CEP)

Cedar Tree Academy PCS Health and Safety Plan SY 2022-2023

What is the school’s health and safety plan? SY 2021-2022

Face Masks

Cedar Tree Academy’s 2021-2022 SY Health and Safety Plan

1. Provide the LEA’s plan to comply with the requirements that:

  1. except for specific circumstances (e.g., while eating) articulated inOSSE’s guidance, all students, staff and visitors, including those who are full vaccinated, must wear non-medical face coverings or face masks at all times while on school grounds, on school buses and while participating in any school-related activities, including physical education and sports; and
  2. masks must be worn correctly.

At Cedar Tree Academy all staff and essential visitors (including contractors), including those who are fully vaccinated, must wear face masks at all times while on school grounds, on school buses, and while participating in any school-related activities including physical education and all school related sports. A face mask may be a non-medical (cloth) face covering. If a staff member or essential visitor has an objection to wearing a face mask, either medical or otherwise, they will not be able to access entry to the building or participate during in-person school activities. Staff may wear face masks with clear plastic windows, or briefly remove their face masks, when interacting with students with disabilities identified as having hearing or vision impairments who require clear speech or lip-reading to access instruction.

Cedar Tree Academy students, including those who are fully vaccinated, must also wear face masks while on school grounds, on school buses, and while participating in any school-related activities, except in the event of a medical or developmental contraindication. Most students, including those with disabilities, are able to wear face masks. Students who cannot safely wear a face mask, for example a student with a disability who is unable to remove the face mask without assistance if they have a breathing issue, will not be required to wear one and are entitled to education services. If a student participating in in-person activities is unable to wear a face mask throughout the day, mask breaks are acceptable at times in which physical (social) distance can be maintained (e.g., when outside) or during snacks or meals. Families and educators will work with students to practice wearing a mask safely and consistently.

Instances when face masks should not be worn:

• By children younger than 2 years of age;
•By anyone who is unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove the mask without

• By children during naptime; and
• When engaged in activities in which there is a risk of burn or injury from the use of a face covering

Face masks do not need to be worn:

• When actively drinking or eating a meal;

• When in an enclosed office that no one else is permitted to enter;
• When giving a speech for broadcast or an audience, provided no one is within 6 feet of the speaker; • When speaking to or translating for a deaf or hard of hearing person; and
•When required to use equipment for a job that precludes the wearing of a mask and the person is wearing or using that equipment

Cedar Tree Academy will keep a supply of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) onsite, including masks, until such time as face coverings are no longer required at school.

2.Provide the LEA’s policies and procedures in the event that a student, staff member, or visitor is unable or unwilling to wear a face mask at all times.

Unwilling or Unable to wear a face mask at all time:

All members of the school community who are unwilling or unable to wear a face covering will not be allowed to enter the building. Cedar Tree Academy will make all reasonable accommodations to meet the needs of the individuals outside of the school building.

Cedar Tree Academy students who are unwilling to wear a face covering may be offered counseling to help better understand their fears or hesitation.

Physical Distancing

3.Provide the LEA’s policies and procedures to support physical distancing between individuals and within and across groups, including in classrooms, common spaces, during arrival and dismissal procedures, and during extracurricular activities.

Cedar Tree Academy classrooms will be organized to support students seated and standing at least 3 feet apart from one another (head-to-head). Teachers will stay at least 6 feet from students and each other. We are encouraging all staff and eligible students to get vaccinated and will require masks. Cedar Tree Academy will not hold in-person assemblies until guidance allows for this. During activities such as PE, recess, and during arrival and dismissal, Cedar Tree Academy will continue to have signage reminding students and staff to stand at the appropriate social distance for their age.

Cedar Tree Academy will implement appropriate physical distancing by maintaining the following physical distancing, to the maximum extent feasible, in both indoor and outdoor settings.

Three feet of physical distancing will be used for the following:

• Students will maintain three feet of physical distancing while in classrooms. Six feet of physical distancing will be used for the following:

  • Six feet of physical distance between adults (teachers, staff, and essential visitors) at all times during school and school-related activities.
  • During physical education class and while participating in school related athletics.
  • Between cohorts
  • In any school common areas outside the classroom
  • During activities when face masks cannot be worn, such as eating. Cedar Tree Academy willallow students to eat in classrooms. Strategies will be implemented to allow increased spacing between students during meal and snack times.Arrival and DismissalDuring morning arrival students will use different entrances based on their grade level. This will help maintain social distancing.During dismissal students will exit the building using designated exits based on their grade level.Students will not be allowed to gather in groups during arrival and/or dismissal.Students with disabilities will be allowed to follow an individualized plan for entry and exit.Cedar Tree Academy has established clear space delineations for student lines as students enter and exit the school, as well as inside the school building. Directional indicators are on the floor throughout the building.4.Provide the LEA’s policies and procedures regarding the use of cohorts for students and/or staff, including steps to minimize interactions between cohorts, as applicableStudents will report to and stay in their home room once they arrive to school. The school will stagger activities’ times or locations by cohort to maximum extent feasible. Classes will follow schedules that accommodate physical-distancing and allow students to move in shifts while in the building.Handwashing and Respiratory Etiquette5.Provide the LEA’s policies and procedures to support handwashing and respiratory etiquette including frequent, proper handwashing strategies and encouraging covering coughs and sneezesCedar Tree Academy will reinforce frequent, proper handwashing strategies by staff and students with soap for at least 20 seconds. We will also include hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol throughout the school and in the bathrooms. We will encourage all students and staff to wash hands (either with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or, if not readily available or would compromise cohort isolation practices, hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol) at the following times:
  • Before and after eating;
  • Before and after group activities or student centers;
  •  After going to the bathroom;
  •  After removing gloves;
  • After blowing noses, coughing, or sneezing.
  •  Before and after other activities as needed

The school will encourage staff and students to cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue when not wearing a mask. Used tissues should be thrown in the trash and hands washed immediately with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or if soap and water is unavailable, cleaned with hand sanitizer.

6.Provide the LEA’s plan to make available adequate supplies (e.g., soap, paper towels, hand sanitizer, tissues) to support healthy hygiene practices including, as relevant, in classrooms, bathrooms, offices and common spaces.

School-wide Hygiene; Cedar Tree Academy has and will maintain the following:

  • Cedar Tree Academy has and will maintain an adequate number of supplies such as soap, papertowels, hand sanitizer, and tissues to support healthy hygiene practices, including in classrooms, bathrooms, and offices. The school has set up sanitizing stations outside of large common spaces including the multipurpose room, kitchen, and entrances/exits and throughout the hallways.
  • Cedar Tree Academy will make available individual student supply packets to include items such as electronic devices, toys, books, learning aids; assign each student their own art supplies and/or equipment
  • If shared supplies are used, we will limit use of supplies and equipment to one group of students at a time and clean between uses.
  • Each student’s belongings will be kept separated from others’ and in individually labeled containers, cubbies, or areas.
  • Staff and students are encouraged to bring their own water bottles and avoid touching or utilizing water fountains. Cedar Tree Academy has installed no-touch fixtures such as automatic faucets, toilets, sensor water bottle fillers, hands free soap and paper towel dispensers.
  • All supplies will be checked nightly by the custodial staff and replenished as needed. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)7.Provide the LEA’s policies and procedures to acquire, distribute and support the appropriate use of PPE including gowns/coveralls, gloves, surgical masks, eye protection (face shield or goggles) and N95 masks, as relevant and necessary.Cedar Tree Academy will purchase on a regular basis the proper personal protective Equipment (PPE) for all staff and students. This purchase will include but is not limited to gowns/coveralls, gloves, surgical masks, eye protection (face shield or goggles) and N95 masks, as relevant and necessary.All PPE equipment will be kept in a secure location on the first floor of the building. All staff members including teachers, administrators, nurses, custodial staff, and those serving meals, will have access to the PPE closet.Cedar Tree Academy will distribute PPE to all areas of the school, staff and students as needed. The distribution of PPE will be monitored and maintained by the lead building engineer.

Staff and students will be given proper instructions on how to use all PPE properly. Cedar Tree Academy will Follow DC Health Regulations an PPE best practices for school Health and Safety Guidance for Schools: Appendix B page 34.

Maintain Clean and Healthy Facilities

8.Provide the LEA’s schedule for routine cleaning of rooms, surfaces and objects, including high touch objects and surfaces (e.g., pens, keyboards, elevator buttons, light switches, handles, stair rails, faucets, phones, doorknobs, grab bars on playgrounds).

The custodial staff will regularly clean disinfect and sanitize surfaces per the Guidance-on- Routine-Cleaning-and-Disinfection-for-Community-Facilities.pdf

Cedar Tree Academy will follow the schedule below for routine cleaning of rooms, surfaces and objects, including high touch objects and surfaces (e.g., pens, keyboards, elevator buttons, light switches, handles, stair rails, faucets, phones, doorknobs, grab bars on playgrounds).
The school will adhere to the following:

  • Routinely clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that are frequently touched. This includes cleaning objects/surfaces not ordinarily cleaned daily (e.g., doorknobs, light switches, classroom sink handles, countertops)
  • Thoroughly clean and disinfect thermometers before and after each use per manufacturer’s instructions.
  • For all cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting products, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for concentration, application method, contact time, and drying time before use by a child.
  • Cleaning providers will place signage in every classroom reminding staff of cleaning protocols.
  • The school has developed and implemented a schedule for increased, routine cleaning, disinfection and sanitization.
  • Use of shared objects (e.g., gym or physical education equipment, art supplies, toys, games) will be limited and cleaned between use.
  • Toys, including those used indoors and outdoors, will be frequently cleaned and sanitized throughout the day.
  • Toys that have been in children’s mouths or soiled by bodily secretions must be immediately set aside. These toys will be cleaned and sanitized by a staff member wearing gloves before being used by another child. Machine washable toys will be used by only one child and laundered in between uses.
  • Mats/cots and bedding are to be individually labeled and stored.
  • Mats/cots will be placed at least six feet apart while in use and cleaned andsanitized between uses.
  • Bedding will be washable and laundered at least weekly or before use byanother child.
  • Mats/cots may be stacked between uses if it is cleaned and sanitizedappropriately before stacking.
  • Playground structures will be included as part of routine cleaning (as defined in Guidance on Cleaning and Disinfecting (Update April 2021), especially high-touch surfaces (e.g., handlebars), but do not need to be disinfected.
  • Shared bathrooms will be assigned to specific groups of students and staff. Each group of students will have a specific time during the daily schedule to use their assigned bathroom. Bathrooms will be cleaned and disinfected after each group has finished.
  • The school will implement safe and correct storage for cleaning and disinfection products.
  • No cleaning products will be used near students. Staff will ensure that there is adequate ventilation when using these products to prevent children or themselves from inhaling toxic fumes.

Cleaning, Disinfecting, and Sanitizing Schedule

● Legend: C= Clean Classroom

D = Disinfect

Floors of classrooms

Student desks, chairs

Teacher desks, chair

Walls and white boards

Manipulatives, text books, etc.

Pens, pencils, white C,D board markers,
crayons, markers

Fixtures (switches, knobs, buttons)


S = Sanitize

Between Throu Daily Uses ghout

the day





Floors of hallways

Pens, pencils C,D

Fixtures (switches, knobs, buttons)


Copiers, etc.



Fixtures, handles, switches, faucets

Balls, toys Office and Common Area


Outdoor Spacepage7image25238272 page7image25238464page7image25238656 page7image25238848 page7image25239040 page7image25239232 page7image25239424 page7image25239616 page7image25239808 page7image25240000 page7image25240192 page7image25240384 page7image25240576page7image25240768

9.Provide the LEA’s cleaning and disinfecting protocols in the event that (1) a student, staff member, or visitor develops symptoms of possible COVID-19 while in the school; or (2) if the LEA is notified that a student, staff member or visitor who tested positive has been in the school. The school will comply with the following specific required protocols for scenarios when it has been 24 hours or less since the sick person was in the school, as well as when it has been more than 24 hours but less than 3 days since the sick person was in the school.

In the event of a positive COVID-19 case in the school community, the school will control spread by disinfecting all exposed materials and limit personnel from entering the contaminated area(s). No individual(s) will be allowed in the potentially contaminated area(s) directly following identification of a known positive case without gloves and masks and other PPE, as deemed necessary. The school cleaning vendor will be notified and asked to conduct thorough cleaning and disinfecting In accordance Guidance on Cleaning and Disinfection for Community The following cleaning protocol will take place:

• Close off areas used by the exposed personpage7image25240960

o If a COVID-19 case is confirmed during the day and the COVID-19 positive individual is in the facility, then the cohort will be dismissed and the room vacated as soon as possible.

o It is acceptable for the cohort to remain in the room until the end of the day in the following circumstances: If an individual has symptoms but is not confirmed to have COVID-19; or If a COVID-19 case is confirmed and the COVID-19 positive individual has not been in the facility that day.

o Staff supporting, accompanying, or cleaning up after a sick student or staff member will adhere to PPE best practices as articulated in Updated Final DC Health Guidance Appendix B page 34.

o Once the room is vacated, the school will wait as long as possible before entering the room to clean and disinfect (at least several hours). Cedar Tree will perform deep cleaning and disinfection of the full classroom and any other spaces or equipment in which the ill individual was in contact. This includes the isolation room after use by an ill student or staff member

▪ During cleaning and disinfection, Cedar Tree will increase air circulation to the area (e.g., open doors, open windows, use fans, or adjust HVAC settings).

▪ Staff must wear a face mask and gloves for all steps of the cleaning and disinfection process. Cedar Tree staff will also follow additional PPE best practices as articulated in Updated Final DC Health Guidance Appendix B page 34.

  • If a student, staff member, or essential visitor develops symptoms or tests positive for COVID-19 and it has been more than 24 hours, but less than three days, since the individual was in the school building, the school must clean any areas where the individual has been.
  • If a student, staff member, or essential visitor develops symptoms or tests positive for COVID-19 and it has been more than three days since the individual was in the building, no special cleaning and disinfection procedures are necessary, and the school will follow routine cleaning and disinfection procedures.
  • Workers without close contact with the person who was exposed can return to the space immediately after disinfection.
  • Continue routine cleaning and disinfection. This includes everyday practices that the school normally uses to maintain a healthy environment.10.Provide the LEA’s plan to make available sufficient and appropriate cleaning and disinfection supplies and to comply with the requirement that staff must wear gloves while cleaning and disinfecting spaces throughout the building.Cedar Tree Academy will run our supply inventory on a weekly basis to ensure that we have appropriate disinfection supplies. Our cleaning is done by Capital Services Management Inc. (CSMI). Our agreement with CSMI confirms that they will wear gloves while cleaning and disinfecting spaces throughout the building. They are also responsible for ensuring sufficient disinfection and cleaning supplies. Furthermore, we will conduct random checks to ensure compliance.

11.Provide the LEA’s plan to perform necessary maintenance to ventilation and water systems and features (e.g., sink faucets, drinking fountains, decorative fountains) so that they are ready for use and occupancy and are adequately maintained throughout the operating period.

Cedar Tree Academy will ensure our building systems, such as ventilation and water systems and features (e.g., sink faucets, drinking fountains), are safe to use.

Prior to reopening, the school will engage with the HVAC vendor to ensure the systems operate properly and increase circulation of outdoor air as much as possible. Windows and doors will be opened where possible to maximize air quality for occupants while considering safety and health risks such as risk of falling, outdoor air quality triggering asthma symptoms, building fire safety, and security.

Water System
Cedar Tree Academy will flush all water systems to clear out stagnant water and replace it with fresh water. This process will remove any metals (e.g., lead) that may have leached into the water and minimize risk of Legionnaires’ disease and other diseases associated with water following CDC guidance and as described below:

  • ●  Flush hot and cold water through all points of use such as sinks, drinking fountains, toilets, urinals, and showers.
  • ●  Water heater will be set to 140 degrees Fahrenheit and hot water will be flushed at each fixture using hot water until its maximum temperature is reached.
  • ●  Additional water using devices, such as ice machines and drinking water dispensers, will be flushed in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions.Response to a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 Case12.Describe the LEA’s policies and procedures to:
    1. Comply with the requirement to not admit or to dismiss any student,staff member or visitor who is COVID-19 positive or otherwise meetscriteria for exclusion, per OSSE’s guidance; and
    2. Dismiss any individual or cohort that is potentially exposed to COVID-19within the school setting.

    Cedar Tree Academy will adhere to the following exclusion and dismissal criteria: Exclusion Criteria: Students and staff must stay home, or not be admitted if:

• Exclusion Criteria- A student, staff member, or essential visitor must stay home, or not be admitted, and must follow the applicable DC Health guidance for isolation or quarantine, if they:

o Have a temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher or any of the symptoms listed in the “Daily Health Screening” section of the guidance in the last 24 hours.

o Are confirmed to have COVID-19
o Have been in closed contact in the last 10 days with an individual

confirmed to have COVID-19
o AreawaitingCOVID-19testresultsorhaveahouseholdmemberwho

is waiting COVID-19 results
o Have traveled domestically in the last 10 days to any place other than

Maryland or Virginia, unless they did not attend school until tested for COVID-19 three to five days after returning to DC AND received a negative COVID-19 viral test

o Have traveled internationally in the last 10 days unless they did not attend school for seven days, got tested for COVID-19 three to five days after returning to DC, AND received a negative COVID-19 viral test

If a student or staff member reports any of the above symptoms or exposure, or is confirmed to have COVID-19, the student or staff member must not return to school until:

● 72 hours after the fever has resolved without the use of fever-reducing medication (e.g. Motrin, Tylenol) and respiratory symptoms have improved; AND

● at least 10 days after symptoms first appeared, whichever is later; OR per their healthcare provider following DC health instructions.

If any student or staff member has been in close contact with a person who is positive for COVID-19, then the student or staff member must not enter the facility until cleared by their healthcare provider or has completed their quarantine period without becoming symptomatic or diagnosed with COVID-19.

If any student or staff member has been in close contact with a person who is awaiting a COVID-19 test result, then the student or staff member must not enter the facility until the close contact tests negative. If the close contact tests positive, then they should seek guidance from their healthcare provider or DC Health.

Dismissal Criteria: If a student or staff member develops a fever or other signs of illness, the school must follow the above exclusion criteria regarding the exclusion and dismissal of students and staff.

  • ●  For students, the school will immediately isolate the student from other students, notify the student’s parent/guardian of the symptoms and that the student needs to be picked up as soon as possible, and immediately follow cleaning and disinfecting procedures for any area and materials with which the student was in contact.
  • ●  For staff, the school will send the staff member home immediately and


follow cleaning and disinfecting procedures for any area, materials, and equipment with which the staff member was in contact.

If a school staff member must take a student’s temperature at any point, they will follow CDC guidelines to do so safely, including with the use of barrier protection or Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

13.Provide the LEA’s plan to comply with the requirements to:

  1. Identify a staff member as the COVID-19 point of contact (POC) to whomfamilies, staff, contractors and vendors should report a positive case of COVID-19 and who is responsible for reporting positive cases of COVID- 19 to DC Health;
  2. Report any applicable positive COVID-19 case in a student, staff member or essential visitor to DC Health on the same day the school is notified;
  3. Not exclude students or staff with pre-existing health conditions that present with specific COVID-19-like symptoms on the basis of those specific symptoms, if a healthcare provider has provided written or verbal documentation that those specific symptoms are not due to COVID-19.

To ensure a clear and efficient process for communication, Cedar Tree Academy has identified Dr. Henderson, CEO, as the internal COVID-19 point of contact (POC). Dr. Henderson will be in regular contact with families, staff, contractors, and vendors and report positive cases of COVID-19 to DC Health.

This person is responsible for ensuring the below steps are followed in the event of a confirmed case of COVID-19.

Step 1: Report to DC Health Department

The school will follow existing procedures for reporting communicable disease. In the event of a confirmed case of COVID-19 in a student, staff member, or any individual who has entered the building, the school will notify DC Health on the same day the school is notified by submitting the online case report.

Our reporting plan of applicable positive COVID-19 cases in a student, staff member, or essential visitor to DC Health will include both how staff, families, and vendors know to contact us when a member of our community has a positive test result. The COVID-19 POC will be able to receive calls throughout the day and into the evening hours. The COVID-19 POC may also proactively reach out to families of students, staff, and visitors who had symptoms or have been absent to inquire. All confirmed reports will be shared with DC Health in a means that is requested by them.

The COVID-19 POC may review all of our daily screening questions to ensure that students or staff with preexisting symptoms have not been exposed. In some cases, the COVID-19 POC may seek the counsel of a healthcare provider.

Step 2: Communication to Families and Staff

The school will communicate protocols in place that protect the privacy of individuals and alert their families and staff to a COVID-19 case. Communication is to be completed, per DC Health directive, and will include:

  • ●  Notification to all staff and families in the event of change of school schedule
  • ●  Notification to those staff and families of students in close contact with the individual and will state the requirement to quarantine for at least 10 days
  • ●  Notification to the entire program that there was a COVID-19 positive case, those impacted have been told to quarantine, and all areas that the individual was in contact with will be cleaned, sanitized, and disinfected
  • ●  All notification will be sent via email text and a hard copy of the notification will be sent to the families and staffStep 3: Cleaning, Sanitization, and Disinfection of Affected Spaces
    In the event of a confirmed COVID-19 case in a student or staff member, the school must immediately close the room(s) the COVID-19 positive individual was in once all students in that group have exited the school and follow cleaning, disinfection and sanitization guidance from the CDC, will be implemented;

If seven days or fewer have passed since the person who is sick used the facility, follow these steps:

(1)Close off areas used by the person who is sick.
(2)Open outside doors and windows to increase air circulation

in the areas.
(3)Wait up to 24 hours or as long as possible before cleaning

or disinfecting to allow respiratory droplets to settle. (4)Clean and disinfect all areas used by the person who is sick,

such as classrooms, bathrooms, and common areas.
If more than seven days have passed since the person who is sick

used the facility, additional cleaning and disinfection is not necessary. Continue routine cleaning and disinfection.

14.Provide the LEA’s procedures to support DC Health with contract tracing in the event of a positive case of COVID-19.

Cedar Tree Academy will use OSSE’s daily screening form to record and store screenings for 30 days in order to support DC Health with contact tracing efforts should a positive COVID-19 incident occur within the facility.

Our COVID-19 POC will report all positive cases and contact with positive cases to DC Health, as described in Section N. of the Updated Final DC Health Guidance from OSSE (p 28-29). The COVID-19 POC will contact DC Health if a staff member, essential visitor, or student notifies the school that the individual tested positive for COVID-19 if the individual was on school grounds or participated in school activities during their infectious period. Immediately upon learning of the positive case, the COVID-19 POC will notify DC Health by submitting an online form on the DC Health COVID-19 Reporting Requirements website using the Non-Healthcare Facility COVID-19 Consult Form.

15.Describe how the LEA will notify the school community, as appropriate, of the positive case and corresponding actions taken by the LEA/school.

Cedar Tree Academy has a CTA Family Communication Policy.pdf in place to protect the privacy of the individuals while alerting families and staff to mitigate spread. Specifically, the protocol requires that the COVID-19 POC notify either the entire school or the impacted individuals within the cohort of the positive case. The COVID-19 POC will work closely with DC Health to determine whether the students and staff within the infected person’s cohort may stay at school or be sent home and for how long. The COVID-19 POC will update impacted families and staff on how to participate in off-sight learning until it is safe to return to on-site learning.

Cedar Tree Academy will comply with all OSSE related guidance in planning, and responding to confirmed or suspected COVID-19 cases. We will comply with the requirement to not admit or to dismiss any student, staff member or visitor who is COVID-19 positive or otherwise meets criteria for exclusion, per OSSE’s guidance.

  • A student, staff member, or essential visitor must stay home, or not be admitted, and must follow the applicable DC Health guidance for isolation or quarantine, if they:
  • Have had a temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher or any of the symptoms listed above in the “Daily Health Screening” section of this guidance in the last 24 hours.
  • Are confirmed to have COVID-19
  • Have been in close contact in the last 10 days with an individual confirmed to have COVID-19.
  • Are awaiting COVID-19 test results or have a household member who is awaiting COVID-19 testresults
  • Have traveled domestically in the last 10 days to any place other than Maryland or Virginia,unless they did not attend school until tested for COVID-19 three to five days after returning toDC and received a negative COVID-19 viral test
  • Have traveled internationally in the last 10 days, unless they did not attend school for sevendays, got tested for COVID-19 three to five days after returning to DC, and received a negative COVID-19 viral test.Students or staff with pre-existing health conditions that present with specific COVID-19-like symptoms must not be excluded from entering the school building on the basis of those specific symptoms if a healthcare provider has provided written or verbal documentation that those specific symptoms are determined to not be due to COVID-19.Provided that they do not currently have any symptoms consistent with COVID-19, an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 90 days or is fully vaccinated may be admitted while awaiting COVID-19 test results, after close contact with someone with confirmed COVID-19, when a household contact is awaiting COVID-19 test results, or after travel. Any individual with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 must follow the exclusion criteria outlined above.

Provided that they do not currently have any symptoms consistent with COVID-19, an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 90 days or is fully vaccinated against COVID-19 may be admitted immediately after domestic or international travel. They should get a COVID-19 test three to five days after international travel. Any individual with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 must follow the exclusion criteria outlined above.

If excluded, students (or their parents/guardians), staff, and essential visitors should call their healthcare provider for further directions.

Our school also commits to dismiss any individual or cohort that is potentially exposed to COVID-19 within the school setting by include (e.g. student/family/staff notifies COVID POC of positive case, contact, or symptoms, ).

Dismissal Criteria and Protocols

If a student, staff member, or essential visitor develops a fever or other signs of illness, the school must follow the above exclusion criteria regarding the exclusion and dismissal of students, staff, and essential visitors.

• For students, Cedar Tree Academy will:
o Immediately isolate the student from other students.

The student will immediately put on a face mask or surgical mask, if not wearing already.

Identify a staff member to accompany the isolated student to the isolation area and supervise the student while awaiting pickup from the parent/guardian.
The staff members briefly responding to the sick student in the classroom, accompanying the student to the isolation area, and supervising the student in the isolation area will comply with PPE best practices Updated Final DC Health Guidance Appendix B page 34.

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Additionally, Cedar Tree Academy will:

  • ▪  Notify the student’s parent/guardian of the symptoms and that the student should be picked up as soon as possible and instruct them to seek healthcare provider guidance.
  • ▪  Follow guidance for use of the isolation room below.
  • ▪  Immediately follow all cleaning and disinfection protocols for any area and materials with whichthe student was in contact, per Section H: Cleaning and Disinfection For staff and essential visitors, Cedar Tree Academy will:
  • ▪  Send the staff member or essential visitor home immediately or instruct them to isolate until it is safe to go home;
  • ▪  Instruct the staff member or essential visitor to seek healthcare provider guidance; and
  • ▪  Follow cleaning and disinfecting procedures for any area, materials, and equipment with whichthe staff member was in contact.Isolation Room: Cedar Tree Academy has identified a well-ventilated space to isolate sick individuals until they are able to leave the school grounds. The space is in an area that is not frequently passed or used by other students or staff and is not part of the health suite. If safe and weather permitting, Cedar Tree will isolate sick individuals outdoors under appropriate supervision. When in the isolation area, the sick individual will always wear a face mask or surgical mask, be within sight of the supervising staff

member, and be physically separated from other individuals by at least 6 feet. Cedar Tree will isolate only one sick individual in the isolation area at a time. The isolation area will be immediately cleaned and disinfected after the sick individual departs. Supervising staff will comply with the PPE best practices in Appendix B.

To meet the needs of our diverse community, details on these topics will be available in all languages that our community requires as indicated on student/Family Home Language Surveys. The school will communicate this information (e.g. website updates, social media, weekly bulletins, re-enrollment/ enrollment events, trainings/orientations)

COVID-19 Testing and Vaccines

16.If applicable, describe the LEA’s current or planned COVID-19 testing protocol for symptomatic and/or asymptomatic students and/or staff, including steps the LEA will take to encourage participation in the testing program. Please include the LEA’s plan to ensure that results of such testing programs are reported to DC Health per DC Health’s COVID-19 reporting

Cedar Tree Academy has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Elaine Ellis Center of Health for onsite COVID-testing for symptomatic and asymptomatic students and staff. Elaine Ellis Center of Health will come to the school weekly and administer COVID-19 tests. Elaine Ellis and the school’s COVID-19 point of contact will both inform DC Health of all positive cases as required by DC Health. The school will follow its protocol, outlined in question 14, to notify DC Health and to follow DC Health reporting requirements.

Elaine Ellis Center of Health is also available at their DC location for students, families and staff testing during anytime of the week that individuals may have a need to be tested.

Cedar Tree Academy will require all staff who have not been vaccinated to take the weekly COVID-19 test. The school will inform parents of the free testing procedures that we are offering at the school and its importance in helping slow the spread of COVID-19.

17.Provide the LEA’s plans to support COVID-19 vaccination of staff and students, as eligible, including efforts to encourage participation in public and community- based vaccination opportunities.


Cedar Tree will keep staff informed and up to date on vaccination locations throughout DC, MD, and VA using our weekly staff information bulletin. In the bulletin we will include the latest research on the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine. We will continue to encourage staff members to talk with their primary care physician regarding the vaccine and their personal health care needs. The school will also continue to provide paid leave for all staff members needing to take off work to get the vaccine.

When our student population becomes eligible for the vaccine we will add information to our monthly family newsletter informing families of the most up to date research regarding the vaccine. We will keep families informed of the vaccination locations in DC and vaccination information sessions that may be held throughout the city.

The school will continue to inform both staff and students of the latest CDC guidance, people who are vaccinated and exposed to COVID-19, do not have to quarantine, therefore during the upcoming school year, if there are students and staff who are exposed to positive COVID-19 person(s), they will not need to quarantine. We believe this information will help encourage both staff and students to receive the vaccination.

Students with Disabilities

18.Provide the LEA’s plans to provide appropriate accommodations to students with disabilities with respect to its health and safety policies and procedures.

• Ensuring that the goal and objectives of the students IEP are being met


LEAs will ensure that appropriate accommodations are offered to SWDs with respect to its health and safety policies and procedures by taking the following steps:

  • ●  Families can request waivers/adjustments/reasonable accommodations by contacting the Special Education Director
  • ●  The Special Education Director will be in direct contact with families who require accommodations for health and safety concerns.
  • ●  All requests for accommodations will be reviewed by the Multidisciplinary Team to determine if the requested accommodation is appropriate.

Training, Technical Assistance, and Monitoring

19.Please provide the LEA’s plan to provide training and technical assistance on its policies and procedures to safely reopen schools in accordance with the DC Health

Guidance for Schools and the OSSE Health and Safety Guidance for Schools, including:

  1. who will receive training and technical assistance;
  2. the topics that the training and technical assistance will address; and
  3. how and by whom the training and technical assistance will be delivered.Training and Assistance, Monitoring Schedule Student and Staff Well-Being

page17image25601792 page17image25601984

Audience (e.g. teachers, staff, front office staff, administration, COVID-19 POC)


Trainer/TA Provider

Date Range (if available)

Method of training delivery

All Staff members

Whole Child Support

Members of the school counseling team

August 9th- 20th

Small in- person groups

All Staff Members

Educator Wellness

Members of the school counseling team

August 9th- 20th

Small in- person groups

All Staff Members

Family Engagement

Members of the school counseling team

August 9th- 20th

Small in- person groups

All staff members

Attendance and Reengagement

Members of the school counseling team

August 9th- 20th

Small in- person groups

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Accelerated Learning

Audience (e.g. teachers, staff, front office staff, administration, COVID-19 POC)


Trainer/TA Provider

Date Range (if available

Method of training delivery

Instructional Staff

Goals and Expectations

Instructional Coaches, Principal

August 9th- 20th

Small in- person groups

Instructional Staff

Employing Intentional Strategies for learning

Instructional Coaches, Principal, Special Education Director

August 9th- 20th

Small in- person groups

Instructional Staff

Special Population

Instructional Coaches, Principal, Special Education Director

August 9th- 20th

Small in- person groups

Instructional Staff

Assessment Data Collection

Instructional Coaches, Principal

August 9th- 20th

Small in- person groups

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Health and Safety

Audience (e.g. teachers, staff, front office staff, administration, COVID-19 POC)


Trainer/TA Provider

Date Range (if available

Method of training delivery

All staff members

Face mask, Physical Distance, PPE

Director of Business Operations and Human Resources, COVID-19 POC, Principal

August 9th- 20th

Small in- person groups

All staff members

Handwashing and Respiratory Etiquette

Director of Business Operations and Human Resources, COVID-19 POC, Principal

August 9th- 20th

Small in- person groups

All staff members

Maintain Clean and Healthy Facility

Director of Business Operations and Human COVID- 19 POC, Principal

August 9th- 20th

Small in- person groups

All staff members

Response to Confirmed or suspected COVID-19 Cases

Director of Business Operations and Human COVID- 19 POC, Principal

August 9th- 20th

Small in- person groups

All staff members

Students with Disabilities

Director of Business Operations and

August 9th- 20th

Small in- person groups

Human COVID- 19 POC, Principal, Director of Special Education

All staff members

Training and Monitoring

Director of Business Operations and Human COVID- 19 POC, Principal

August 9th- 20th

Small in- person groups

All staff members

Communicating the CEP plan including Health and Safety

Director of Business Operations and Human COVID- 19 POC, Principal

August 9th- 20th

Small in- person groups

Cedar Tree Academy has only one campus and monitoring and implementation of the health and safety plan will be done primarily by the Chief Executive Officer with support from the school’s Administrative Leadership Team. The monitoring of this plan will take place weekly by the CEO. If members of the staff are not adhering to the plan appropriate disciplinary

actions will be taken.

20.Provide the LEA’s plan to monitor the implementation of the health and safety plans at each campus, including how, when and by whom the implementation will be monitored, and how the LEA will respond if a given campus is not adhering to the plan.

Cedar Tree Academy has only one campus. Monitoring and implementation of the health and safety plan will be done primarily by the Chief Executive Officer with support from the school’sAdministrative Leadership Team. The monitoring of this plan will take place weekly by the CEO. If members of the staff are not adhering to the plan appropriate disciplinary actions will be taken.

Cedar Tree Academy plans to communicate key health and safety policies and procedures with staff during our professional development in August 2021. Additional discussion will take place throughout the school year during ongoing professional development.

Our school plans to communicate key health and safety policies and procedures to students and families during a series of virtual town meetings and during back to school parent and student orientations.

The school will also send out a monthly newsletter with a dedicated “Health and Safety Corner” to keep parents informed of the school’s health and safety policy and procedures as well as ongoing city wide health and safety updates. In addition, once students return to school in August 2021, teachers will review key health and safety policies and procedures with students. This communication will be on going throughout the school year.

To meet the needs of our diverse community, details on these topics will be available in all languages that our community requires as indicated on Student/Family Home Language Surveys.

Communicating Policies and Procedures to Students, Families, Staff and Visitors

21.Describe the LEA’s plans to communicate key health and safety policies and procedures to students, families, staff and visitors.

Cedar Tree Academy PCS plans to communicate key health and safety policies and procedures with students families and staff on all COVID-19 prevention measures being taken by the school and how the school will adapt the modalities of instruction across the year to maintain the health and safety of the entire school community.

Consistent and clear communication with students and families is vital for maintaining the health and safety of the school community. Communication to students and families will happen across several media platforms such as: posted signage in the building, access to resources and information on the school website, and on-demand notification through social media channels and individual outreach, email, text, and robocalls. Families will also be informed of unexpected closures that may happen in order to maintain the health and safety of the school community using the above methods of communication.

The Cedar Tree Academy PCS website will be the location for general information about the school as well as specific details on the health and safety plan. Current and prospective students will be able to find all information on how to contact school administration and staff through the school’s website.

The school’s operating status (open, closed, weather delay, et. al.) will be communicated as a banner on the main page of the website. Should the school need to close due to COVID-19 or for any other health or safety related reason, families will be advised via a banner on the homepage.

What is your school’s Continuous Education Learning Plan SY 2020-2021

What is your school’s Continuous Education Learning Plan SY 2021-2022

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