Committed To Our Mission
Cedar Tree Academy is committed to academic excellence for all students. We will build the foundation for all students in a safe learning environment designed to enhance social and emotional growth, cognitive and creative development while preparing students to become active independent learners. – No exception, No excuses!
What We Provide Our Students
Cedar Tree Academy PCS students have achieved rates of educational improvement substantially greater than the national average for students their age. Part of this success stems from continuous and challenging instruction in core subjects that improves student performance. Teachers instruct students in reading and language development including phonics, writing, mathematics, science and social studies everyday using research-based curricula and best teaching practices, including teaching to the Multiple Intelligences— a foundation for recognizing and making the most of individual student’s different abilities and talents.
Highly Qualified Instructional Staff
Cedar Tree Academy develops and is committed to retaining outstanding teachers and talented leaders in the field of education. Teachers are qualified, experienced individuals with a strong commitment to instilling a love of learning in their students. Cedar Tree Academy’s teachers consider themselves to be life-long learners, who keep abreast of current research, tools and educational strategies. To support this, Cedar Tree Academy provides 15 – 20 days of professional development each year— more than most public schools.
Cedar Tree Academy provides students with unprecedented access to computers, to the Internet and to other technological tools that significantly enhance learning. Combining high tech learning tools with rigorous training in the essential skills helps to build a foundation for learning, growth, and development. Students apply technology skills in a solid, sequential research-based education program which enables Cedar Tree students to fill the urgent need in a growing world that is becoming more and more technologically dependent.
Community Support/ Parent Involvement
Cedar Tree Academy partners with the community—parents, neighbors, government agencies, universities, and local businesses—and enlists their insight, professionalism, and commitment to providing a quality education for all children. Parents and the community are invited to use the resources of our parent support center. Cedar Tree Academy believes that it truly takes a village to raise a child. Cedar Tree compels parents to be actively engaged in their children’s education. We understand that every child needs stability, continuity and a champion who believes in his or her human potential. Our teachers conduct regular goal setting conferences with individual children and their parents so that we all work together to ensure the student’s success. We encourage parents to come and volunteer at the school as often as possible.
Student Achievement
Cedar Tree Academy PCS students have achieved rates of educational improvement substantially greater than the national average for students their age. Part of this success stems from continuous and challenging instruction in core subjects that improves student performance. Teachers instruct students in reading and language development including phonics, writing, mathematics, science and social studies everyday using research-based curricula and best teaching practices, including teaching to the Multiple Intelligences— a foundation for recognizing and making the most of individual student’s different abilities and talents.
Integrated Technology
Cedar Tree Academy provides students with unprecedented access to computers, to the Internet and to other technological tools that significantly enhance learning. Combining high tech learning tools with rigorous training in the essential skills helps to build a foundation for learning, growth, and development. Students apply technology skills in a solid, sequential research based education program which enables Cedar Tree students to fill the urgent need in a growing world that is becoming more and more technology dependent.
Secure Environment
Cedar Tree Academy provides a safe learning environment. We recognize that effective instruction requires an orderly environment focused on learning. Our school plays an important role in supporting parent’s efforts to teach their children principles of excellence. We also are committed to provide students with a sense of belonging and a feeling of significance so that they feel safe to learn, to grow, and thrive.
Extended Learning Time
Cedar Tree Academy’s approach to improving student learning includes extending the school day. Research shows that many students need additional time to master academic skills and knowledge. The extended school day allows our students more quality one on one time with the teacher. Our learning time continues after the regular school day has ended. For students needing additional support, we offer after school tutoring, enrichment, athletics and paid before and after care programing.